Show Checksums

This utility shows you the checksums for currently open drives. This is helpful if you need to find out if the naming of your physical drives is still the same it was when you created a RaidProbe. Refer to the file raidinfo.txt that was created along with your RaidProbe.

Assume you previously had created a RaidProbe for the drives HD128:, HD129:, and HD130:. The RaidProbe file "raidinfo.txt" contains the checksums at that time.

  Checksum: [409A77E2]
  Checksum: [8280945E]
  Checksum: [15B5AC53]

Compare these values with the current values. Click Tools->Show Checksums:

We see, the checksums match. If they do not, be careful with VIM files based on the earlier names. If you want to use VIM files created earlier with different names, you need to modify that VIM file in order to reflect the actual mapping.

If, for example, your raid.vim contains the drive definitions


and the new checksums were


you would replace the definition for HD129: with the definition for HD130: and vice versa. You would modify the raid.vim to


See also: RaidProbe, Virtual Image